Not Sure Where to Begin? Well You've Found the Right Place!
Here are a few basic questions that will help you decide what you need.
Firstly, you need to determine how many kilowatt (kW) hours you want to produce per month. You can get a good idea this by looking at your electric bill at the graph that shows your usage, that should show how many kW hours you use per month.
Next, do you want a roof mounted system or a ground mounted system? A ground mounted system is generally more expensive, and the price changes increases as you get farther away from your electric meter.
If you want a roof mounted system you should have an idea of how many usable square feet of roof you have, google earth is a great tool to estimate roof square footage without actually going on the roof and measuring.
Lastly, do you want a battery backup, and if so, how much stored energy do you want to have?
Once you find the answers to these questions you are one step closer to a solar energy system!